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Opening hours
Mon – Fri: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
The Italian law n.397 from December 7th 2000 allows private citizens to seek professionals for investigation purposes and crime prevention.
The above-mentioned law allows the use, for legal councillors in the criminal defence of their clients, of private investigators, criminology specialists, consultants working on assisting the principal organs in the task of solving the case and establishing the truth.
Evaluation reports on the subject’s state of mind (unsound or not) at the time of the facts through anamnesis, objective general neurological and psychological exam, and behavioural analysis.
Where necessary evaluation of social dangerousness of the subject.
As Profiler and Behavioural Analyst, I can provide to a comprehensive profile, with support by geopolitic and geoeconomy experts
Investigation interview is very important during investigation process.
I can support during clinical and criminologist interview. As psychologist, criminologist and behavioural analyst i can define the psiychological profile and, at the same time, I can identify the falsehood.
The cognitive interview allows to interrogate a witness of a crime or a traumatic event.
This approach provides the interviewer with a reliable testimony. The accuracy of the memory itself is not influenced; by limiting subjective interferences and, through different techniques, is recreated in the mind of the subject the context of the traumatic event.
The area of application is both the analysis of the crime scene and the identification of the psychological profile of the criminal.
The scope is to provide the investigators useful elements to identify and apprehend the deviant subject by limiting the circle of suspects to a small number of individuals.
The creation of a profile is based on the fundamental premise that a correct interpretation of the crime scene can provide key elements to identify the personality of the subject guilty of the crime. The result is a probabilistic evaluation.
The psychological autopsy is a post-mortem evaluation of a subject that aims at collecting data about the victim in order to create a psychological profile.
Its most frequent use is in the cases of a violent death.
By collecting elements concerning the victim’s clinical history, its living environment and relations, together with reconstructing its state of mind at the time before its death, we can formulate a valid probabilistic hypothesis about what has happened.
The elements gathered allow recreating the dynamics of events, the genesis of the facts, and provide important elements useful to identify the psychological profile of the murderer.
Evaluation of the attitude of the subject-witness to give testimony and its reliability.
The questions the subject answers are not aimed at the establishing of the truth under judiciary profile and at the reconstructing the fact-crime, but are instead aimed at a clinical level evaluation.
The psychical truth responds to very complex non-repeatable and non-foreseeable mechanisms. It is different from the judiciary or factual truth.
The damage is identified by considering the intensity and persistence of the symptoms after a one year period in the sphere of cognitive functions and emotional relations, the presence of more serious psychopathological symptoms (suicidal ideas, frequent panic attacks, behaviour anomaly, significant alteration of mood), the decrement of discerning capability in a reality check exam, time-displacement disorientation episodes, severe behaviour alterations, relevant alterations in the ability to communicate with others.
As proposed by the Order of Psychologists of Lazio in 2009, the evaluation is done not only in the case of a real pathology but also in the case of a hypothesis of “alteration of personality and psychological structure, the alteration of family relations, sentimental relations and their fulfilment activities”, by classifying damage by seriousness: low, moderate, medium, serious, very serious.
Evaluation of the parents’ competence in conditions of prejudice to the psychophysical health of children and the risk of abuse/neglect, in case of child abandon and the decision to revoke parental ability and eventual adoptability, and in the case of separation/divorce of parents and the decision to assign/arrange children.
I aid in the phase preceding the negotiation in banking and international law, and support in the generational handover in corporate law.
Mon – Fri: 9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed